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Regions of Norway: Setesdalen

  • February 10, 2022
  • 16:00 - 21:00
  • 1900 Fell Street, San Francisco, California, 94117


  • Please place the blue chip at your table setting to assist wait staff to deliver your entree.

    Pick-up chip at check in.

Regions of Norway: Setesdalen 

Between the southern tip of Norway and the high mountains at Hovden, runs a 152 miles long river named Otra through the valley named the Setesdalen. The region has its own distinct food, a very pretty bunad, a peculiar dialect that even Norwegians have a hard time understanding, and last but not least, a very unique and interesting history. 

Come to the club and learn more about Setesdalen. Pelle will make traditional Setesedalen pot roast. 

Chef Pelle's  traditional menu is available both as a Takeout and in the Dining Room

Please make sure you select the correct option
(takeout or dine-in)!

Takeout: Pick-up from 4:00pm to 5:30pm.
Dine-In: The bar will open for cocktails at 6:00pm,
Dinner served at 7:30pm.

Men's Dress Code: Jacket, Shirt, and Tie.

Ladies:  Cocktail attire. 

Registration is required by 9:00am on Wednesday, 2/9/22

Dinner includes Dagen's Suppe & Dessert

 Menu Option A:  Slow braised Pot Roast

Menu Option B: Pan Fried Snapper with Watercress Remoulade 

Note 1: To sign up for a fish option and a meat option, the Member has to sign up twice: Once for the fish option, and once for the meat option.

Note 2: When adding Guest meals to the signup, the Guest meals will be the same as the Member's selection. To sign up for different options for Guests, the Member needs to sign up two times: Once for the fish option, and once for the meat option.

Note 3: Please note that it is not possible to accommodate changes to the selection after signing up for a specific meal choice.

1900 Fell Street, San Francisco, CA 94117-1917

Phone:  +1 (415) 668-1558 
